Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We Winned!

You know the line "Gd gives you only as much as you can handle?" Well I'm more spiritual than religious, but I'm here to say it's true. I'm going through some rough stuff and while I wanted to foster immediately upon my last pup finding his forever home, I worried about having the energy for someone who might, say, knock over the garbage constantly.

And Gd --or the universe, or HT, whomever you believe in--brought me Win.

He is sitting next to me right now, reading and sniffing this post, so you know I have to be honest.

Win is sweet and smart and handsome and loves nothing more than giving kisses. In fact, twice now he's taken a running leap onto the couch or bed to tell me he cares. It cracked me up, but I realized his forever family might not be so amused. So I told him no, put him down and he now waits to be invited up.

He's a very good waiter. He waits for his food, he waits to go out; he seems to understand that all is coming. Yeah, the universe brought him.

He loves to play. He's heartworm + so he can't yet run around like a dog maniac, but he loves every dog he's met and he's always engaging Bella in a good wrestle. I was not happy when this extended to their walks, but he actually figured out that "No! Not now!" means he should cease and desist til we're back inside. He's excellent walking on leash too, btw.

He loves shoes. Doesn't destroy them, just happily picks em up and brings them back to his bed. Currently, there is one sneaker, one slipper and one winter boot there. He also has a thing for my sunglasses; I keep find him trying to bring them back to his 'nest' as well, but a sharp, 'Winston!' and he freezes in his tracks. He really is a wonderful listener.

He loves to cuddle and gives the best hugs. Not that I've especially needed hugs lately or anything...

He's a handsome boy and we're very lucky the universe/HT placed him with us while he looks for his forever home.

Not that he's perfect. He's not a big fan of being crated and then having me walk away. But we're working on it, with kongs stuffed with frozen wet food or a good chewy bone to show him that the crate isn't a bad thing.

He's not yet 100 percent housetrained. I'd say he's 85 percent. He's just been neutered, so we're expecting his intermittent need to mark will be a thing of the past soon (and he hasn't done it in days already. Good boy!)

LOL. He just walked off with his bowl. Taking it to the nest, I presume.

Other things about Win: Am told he's been cat tested twice and he just watched 'em. He wags his tail at everyone who goes by. No jumping on kids or anything.

In sum: He's smart, sweet, loving, playful, curious, active...He's going to make a wonderful companion for that perfect family or person.

Once again, the universe, Gd, HT has given me a foster who is going to be really hard to give up. (As I wrote that, Win gave a big sigh.)

PS Will try to get some photos of him this weekend.

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